Sunday, February 1, 2015

One Year Hence...Here I am Now

It was Saturday, February 1, 2014 when I felt a lump on my left breast. The following days were a blur…uncertainties until I went to the Marlborough Imaging Center in Southborough on February 10th. When the radiologist performed an ultrasound and told me, he needed to do a biopsy. That made me feel very scared. I had nobody with me and I felt myself shiver. 

        “Dear God,” I prayed.
“Please help me, give me courage to face this ordeal. I cannot do it alone.”

Through the tests and the many consultations I had with the team of oncologists and hospital staff, I remained calm. Thank God I had my family with me. Deep inside, though, I felt nervous. The Jesus Prayer kept me strong and determined. It kept me company. I was determined to fight the battle.

Surgery- done;  the first phase.
Radiation treatment for 33 days- done; the second phase.
Oral medication: The five year regimen- two and a half years of Tamoxifen, followed by two and a half years with another medication- So far, 7 months done. This third phase is still ongoing.

I worked through the whole radiation treatment. I took an Incomplete on the two courses I was enrolled in that Spring semester. At first, I was timid to tell others about my ordeal. That changed when I realized that I needed others to pray for me, as well. 

How have I been since last year?

Despite some side effects that the medications give me, I am fine. I’ve learned to accept them as part of the treatment. I enjoy working…working with my co-teachers that have become good friends and an excellent support system. I love teaching the students, who never fail to make me laugh every day. But most of all, through my illness, my family bonds have been strengthened even more. I thank God that I am well again.
Dana, Lauren, and Peggy

Mother and Daughter

With my Kuya, Bong
With my Diko  (Oscar)

Family Picture, Christmas, 2014
At School for School Spirit Week